202 South Cottonwood
Park, Kansas 67751
Parish Secretary
Teresa Selensky
Rectory phone 785-673-4684
Home phone 785-938-2348
[email protected]
New parishioners please register by using the Parish Registration Form or by contacting the parish secretary. Be sure to introduce yourself and your family to Father.
Parish Registration Form
Bulletin announcements should be submitted no later than noon Thursday before the weekend Masses.
Parish Council
Tony Kinderknecht, Luke Ochs, Ryan Cooksey, Amy Polifka (Chair Person) , Marcia Leon, Katie Lewis
Meeting held on the third Tuesday of each month.
Knights of Columbus
Council 2538
Larry Glenn, Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus, Kansas State Council
Knights of Columbus, Supreme Council
Sacred Heart Altar Society
President rotates bi-monthly
Dixie Zerr, Secretary
Kay Goetz, Treasurer
Every lady who belongs to Sacred Heart Parish is a member of the Sacred Heart Altar Society. They are always welcome to attend the monthly meetings held on the first Tuesday at 7pm in the Parish Hall unless otherwise noted in the weekly bulletin. (Sept-May)
The purpose of the Altar Society is to further the mission of the church by performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy. They provide for the needs and beautification of the altar and sanctuary. In addition, they minister to the funeral meal needs of parishioners who have lost a loved one. Funds also support the maintenance of the kitchen and restrooms in the parish hall.
Raquel Caasi, Sponsor
Junior CYO
Religious Education
DRE Committee: Frina Kaiser, Teresa Selensky, Esther Thielen, Denise Wittman
CCD classes will be begin at 6:45 p.m. in church and end in the classrooms at 8:00 p.m.